About UK PR&M

What is the Office of Public Relations and Marketing at the University of Kentucky?

The Office of Public Relations and Marketing is committed to telling the UK story and managing the University’s brand through strategic communication efforts. Our team offers counsel and guidance to all colleges and departments on public relations and marketing needs. 

Our goal is to build and share our stories by effectively communicating through news releases, media advisories, press conferences, special events, social media, and through integrated marketing efforts by connecting with various external audiences to spread the UK story when and where appropriate. 

For the media, we connect you with accurate information and expert contacts relative to the University and many current events. We arrange interviews between you and our colleges, departments and UKHealthCare.


What is the value of Public Relations and Marketing?

In an increasingly digital and information-driven world, communicating the University’s story, and our individual stories as part of that, in a clear, relevant, interesting and timely method becomes vital for many reasons. These include garnering support for the University and its programs, fostering ties with surrounding communities, connecting the University as a whole, receiving attention from key stakeholders and communicating how we are impacting the entire Commonwealth. Our team is devoted to sending the right message to the right audience, through the correct channels. We will assist you in finding the best approach for your objectives.


What opportunities does Public Relations and Marketing  provide?

By utilizing the services offered by our team, you could gain awareness on a variety of media outlets. From UKNow, our internal news source, with broadcast emails to more than 45,000 UK affiliates and publication on a website with an average of 27,000 page views per month, to the New York Times, we write and pitch your message to the appropriate audiences.

In addition to producing news releases and securing local, national and international media coverage, our team handles a variety of other tasks.


How do I contact a Public Relations and Marketing representative?

UK PR & Marketing staff information



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